It is a lot easier to clean fish tank than you think. In fact, if you follow some basic guidelines and take care of your filter system, you can make sure that your fish are living in the cleanest water possible. Here’s how to keep your tank sparkling:
Separate the Tank from the Landscape
Now that you have the tank and all of its components set up, it’s time to separate your fish from their natural habitat. The first step is to keep them away from direct sunlight, drafts, heat and cold. You can also keep them away from household chemicals.
The best way to ensure that this happens is by placing the tank in an area where there is no direct sunlight hitting it or anything else that could cause damage over time (such as a window). In addition, don’t place your aquarium near any heat sources like vents or fireplaces; these could cause temperatures inside your tank to fluctuate too much for comfort!
Create a Good Filter System
The first step to keeping your fish tank clean is to install a filter. A filter system works by removing harmful chemicals and debris from the water, which helps keep your fish healthy and happy. There are two main types of filters: mechanical and biological. The type you choose depends on what kind of environment you want for your fish tank–and how much time (and money) you’re willing to invest in maintaining it!
- Mechanical Filters
Mechanical filters use chemical processes to remove impurities from the water, such as carbon particles or activated charcoal granules that absorb odors and discolorations caused by decaying algae or dead plants. These filters are relatively easy-to-clean but may need replacing every few months depending on how often they’re used; if this sounds like too much work for you then consider getting another type instead!
- Biological Filters
Biological filters use living organisms like bacteria colonies inside sponge material called biomedia; these organisms consume organic debris such as fish food waste so there’s less left behind when they die off after several weeks’ worth of operation time.”

Get Rid of Fish Waste
To keep your tank clean, you’ll want to remove any fish waste that builds up in the gravel. There are two main ways of doing this: water conditioner and a gravel vacuum.
Water conditioner works by neutralizing ammonia and nitrites (two harmful substances produced by fish). When you add water conditioner, it reacts with these chemicals which then turn into harmless substances found in nature like carbon dioxide and nitrogen gas. Some brands of water conditioner also contain enzymes that help break down solid particles into smaller pieces for easier removal by your filter system or siphon hose attachment.
Gravel vacuums work similarly but instead of using enzymes or chemicals, they use air pressure created by an electric motor inside the device itself which sucks up loose debris from between rocks while leaving behind larger stones so they don’t get sucked up too!
Change the Water Regularly
The first thing you need to know is how often you should change the water in your fish tank.
The answer depends on two factors: the size of your aquarium, and how many fish are living inside it. Generally speaking, if your tank holds less than 10 gallons (40 liters) of water and has fewer than five fish in it then you can safely go months without changing any of that liquid at all–just top off with fresh tap water when necessary. However, if your tank is larger or more densely populated than this recommendation suggests then we suggest changing at least 25% every week (or even more frequently). You may also want to siphon out some debris from time-to-time so as not to overwhelm yourself with cleaning duties later down the road!

Keeping a fish tank clean is a lot easier than you think
Keeping a fish tank clean is a lot easier than you think. Even if you’ve never kept a fish before, or even if it’s been years since your last aquarium, it’s not hard to keep up with the maintenance of your tank and make sure that everything stays healthy and happy.
In order for a tank to be considered clean, there are several factors that need to be taken into consideration. These include:
- The water should be clear enough so that all of the inhabitants’ colors can be seen without too much effort on your part (this will depend on how large the fish are).
- There shouldn’t be any visible algae growing anywhere in or around their environment (this includes rocks and other decorations).
- Any debris floating around should either sink naturally or get sucked up by an internal filter system.
We hope you enjoyed this guide to keeping a fish tank clean. It’s important that you keep your tank clean so that it can stay healthy, and the tips we’ve given here will help you do just that!