Home remedy to get rid of ants in the house

Why do we need to get rid of ants? Ants are a common nuisance and can be found in homes, gardens, yards and even on your countertops. They’re not just annoying; they also present significant health risks to humans. Ant bites can cause allergic reactions like skin rashes and blisters or itchy welts. In some cases, a bite from an Argentine ant may lead to an infection caused by group A Streptococcus bacteria and staphylococcus aureus (staph). The best way to avoid these unpleasantries is prevention.

Here are some tips on how you can keep ants out of your home:

Get rid of ants
Photo by Prince Patel on Unsplash

Why prevent rather than kill?

In addition to the annoyance and inconvenience of an ant infestation, there are also some health concerns that come with having ants in your home. Ants can carry bacteria and other pathogens on their bodies and legs, so if you have an infestation where you’ve been bitten or stung by an ant, it’s important to see a doctor right away. It’s also important to keep in mind that when the queen dies—as she will eventually—the entire colony will die off as well.

To prevent ants from entering your home:

  • Keep food sources away from them.
  • Make sure they don’t have any access points into your house or yard where they could take up residence.

Get rid of food sources.

The first step to getting rid of ants is to get rid of their food source. You can do this by removing any dishes, trash and pet food from the room and sweeping up crumbs or debris that might be on the floor or countertop. If an entire colony has been established in your home, you may want to hire a professional exterminator who will use chemicals or fumigation methods to kill off all traces of ants in your house.

Use a vinegar/water mix to spray down areas where ants congregate.

If you find that a vinegar/water mix is too strong for your home, dilute it with more water. Still keep the ratio at 1:1, though. You can also use essential oils to make your spray even more potent. If you opt for this route (and we recommend it), be sure to choose oils that are safe around children and pets like citrus or lavender oil. These will help ensure that the ants won’t return once they’re gone!

White vinegar
Buy white vinegar on Amazon

Baking soda and powdered sugar can lure ants into their doom.

Mix together equal parts baking soda and powdered sugar, then sprinkle around the areas where ants are most likely to be. This mixture is non-toxic, non-poisonous and safe for kids and pets. Baking soda is a natural deodorizer that can help reduce odors while also drawing ants in because they’re attracted to it. Powdered sugar is sweet—and if you’ve ever seen one of those crafty ant traps made out of a bottle with some holes poked in it so that the ants fall into some kind of sweet substance (which happens to be just sticky enough that they can’t climb back out), you know what we mean here!

Sprinkle coffee grounds around problem areas.

Coffee grounds are a natural deterrent for ants, so sprinkling them around problem areas should keep them away. Coffee grounds will not kill the ants, but they will deter them from entering your home. However, this method will not work on all types of ants. If you have a large infestation or if your house is located in an area with many different kinds of ant species, then you may need to use other methods besides coffee grounds or some sort of insecticide spray (which also has its disadvantages).

When it comes to dealing with ants, prevention is key.

When it comes to dealing with ants, prevention is key. Take some time to look at the ways that you can keep your home ant-free:

  • Remove all food sources. Ants are attracted to sugar, so make sure that you have no leftovers on the counter or in your pantry. Also, be sure that all of your trash cans are clean and sealed tightly (and don’t forget about recycling!).
  • Keep the kitchen clean and dry. Like we mentioned above, ants are attracted to moisture—so if there’s even a little bit of water anywhere in your kitchen (including condensation from steamy dishwashers) they’ll be on their way! Make sure there aren’t any leaks anywhere around faucets or pipes—or better yet, call a plumber for help if those things seem too complicated for you!
  • Don’t leave lights on at night—ants love lights! If possible try going into another room after eating dinner so that insects cannot see where they need to go next during their nightly ritualistic activities; earthworms will thank us later :)”


As you can see, there are many simple ways to get rid of ants. Some of these methods require only one ingredient, while others require multiple ingredients or equipment. But don’t worry! There is no need to go out and buy expensive products when you can use things around your home instead. The key here is prevention—make sure that food sources are not attracting ants in the first place by cleaning up spills immediately and disposing of trash properly outdoors so that it does not leak into your house through cracks in floors or walls. If you suspect there is already an infestation in progress, try spraying down areas where ants congregate with a vinegar/water mix (1 part vinegar for every 4 parts water) followed by baking soda and powdered sugar sprinkled overtop to lure them towards their doom—or maybe just their last meal ever if they’re lucky? You may also want to sprinkle coffee grounds around problem areas too!
